About me

Hellow World!

“I’m a Systems Engineer, a apassionate full stack developer, GNU\LINUX lover and Cyeber-Security enthusiast..”

I beliebe in plain, static html pages, as stable and simple way to distrubute my own thoughs and ideas.

Skills and Tools

Programming C, C++, Java, C#, VB, PHP, Python, JS, Bash, Pascal, SQL, Prolog, LUA, ABAP, AJAX
Databases Microsoft SQL Server (2005,2008), MariaDB, MySQL 5, SqlLite, SyBase, ACCESS, Oracle database 11g
Pentesting Kali, Wireshark, Nessus, Burp, OSINT
Other Git, HTML, CSS, GTK, JSF, JSON, XHTML,PrimeFaces,Apache Torque, UML 2.2, PSP

Happy Hacking!